SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan has urged BT to take action on what has become an eyesore for the residents of Iniscarn in Creggan.
Mr Durkan said: “I have been through the complex BT complaints procedure in order to get them to take action and either remove or repair this dangerous and dilapidated phone box, which in its current vandalised state, detracts from efforts to regenerate the area.
"BT officials have come back to confirm that they will have the booth assessed shortly with a view to repairing the damage and the connection, as it is not currently on the list for removal.
"While I welcome their positive action I would hope that the phone box will be respected as a helpful service for those without any other access to a phone.
"I would like to thank our SDLP representative for the area Cathy Breslin for bringing this to our attention on behalf of the residents and look forward to the promised improvements."
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